Level Agreement
RedShift Voice Technology (RSVT) Service Level Agreement
Technical support shall be provided by telephone, email and via the RedShift Voice Technology website ( Technical support is available Monday to Friday (except public holidays) between the hours of 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Mountain Time.
RSVT uses the Alexa-hosted skills platform that automatically provisions and manages a set of AWS cloud resources to host and support the Alexa skills. There general service commitment is a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.99%.
RSVT integrates iOS apps and Alexa skills with Revel POS. RSVT service is dependant on the Revel system availability. Should the Revel system become unavailable please refer to their Support Services Terms.
Tier 1 Support means no loss or minor loss of service of the Product where the result is a minor error, incorrect behavior or an inconvenience. RSVT will acknowledge the issue within one working day from the time that the call was logged and shall use its reasonable efforts to remedy the defects and/or provide a workaround in the next release.
Tier 2 Support means a severe or complete loss of service of the Product. Vendor will acknowledge the issue within 4 working hours from the time the call was logged and shall seek a remedy or workaround, with a permanent solution to be implemented within an agreed timeframe.